Sahara Sahel Foods est une entreprise sociale située dans la République du Niger. We process and market foods from indigenous Wild Perennial Crops - plants that are pristine, often under-exploited and good for the environment.
In fact, Niger is a country wrestling with chronically recurring food shortages and desertification. Local land management practices mean that trees are destroyed to make space for annual crops, to obtain firewood, or because they are overgrazed by cattle.
By purchasing perennial produce from local farmers and nomads, we hope to improve their income and living standards. Many of them currently belong to the poorest communities of today''s world. We hope to encourage them to protect trees and other perennials more, and perhaps one day give up annual agriculture in favour of perennials. That would create great gains in the battle against desertification. We hope to bring consumers in urban areas access to nutritious, healthy and natural foods. That can improve health, and reduce national trade deficits caused by heavy food imports. And we hope to export some of the little-known delicacies of the desert and its borderlands to people around the world. Because the drylands are not as barren as we believe.
Caring for our environment and its biodiversity is a global challenge today. Whether we live in a wealthy country where the bees are being eliminated by modern industrialised agriculture, or in a dry and poor country where man is leading a battle against desertification, we need to pick up this challenge. To live sustainably, we must learn how to feed ourselves without doing so at the expense of our natural heritage. It is our duty towards posterity. Caring for our fellow humans who suffer from chronic lack of food is a challenge to every compassionate person. It must be done not by handouts, but by creating opportunities for such people to earn income and feed themselves in dignified ways. This is our duty towards our contemporaries. Here at Sahara Sahel Foods, we hope to make our humble contribution to these issues in the context of Niger and other Saharo-Sahelian countries.
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